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Chief Executive's blog - October 2019

31 October 2019

Welcome to this month’s blog!

It’s been a couple of months since I wrote to everyone, and I wanted to apologise for that. In this blog there are a few items I wanted to discuss, including the national announcement on spending on the NHS, our newly relaunched Flourish campaign, our approach to bullying and harassment, and the memorial we have unveiled at Furness General Hospital. There are also updates on Brexit, some recent changes to our Trust Board, and some more Tea and Talk dates for the diary.

You can read my blog here. As with my previous blogs, I’d appreciate it if you could share it within your teams, especially with colleagues who do not have access to a computer.

I hope you find my blog useful. As always, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions etc., feel free to get in touch. I’m continuing to post regular updates on Twitter using the #NHSCEODiary hashtag so do head over and take a look; you can find me @aaroncumminsNHS.

Aaron Cummins
Chief Executive