
We want you to be as comfortable as possible when you’re with us - however long your stay – so we have included some important information below that will help you settle in. It will tell you everything you need to know about your stay, our services and going home.

You may be given other information on your ward that’s more to do with your particular condition or treatment so please take the time to read through it. If you have any other questions or need anything to make your stay more comfortable, just speak to one of our staff who will be happy to help.

You will have received a letter to tell you when you need to come to hospital and where you should go.

You’ll need to arrange for your own transport to get to the hospital. If this isn’t possible, or you think you will need some help, you may be eligible for the Patient Transport Service, operated by North West Ambulance Service.

During your stay it is likely that you will need nightwear, normal clothes, dressing gown, underwear and appropriate footwear (slippers). Sorry, we are unable to offer a laundry service.

Bring a toothbrush, toothpaste, a towel, any personal aids you require, and any items for washing, personal hygiene, and grooming.
It is a good idea to bring a few pounds or a credit/debit card for newspapers, sweets, etc., or if you want to use the bedside TV system. Alternatively, nothing beats a good book (please remember your spectacles if you wear them)!

We ask that you are considerate in your use of mobile phones, laptops and other electronic devices on wards and in clinical areas. Please consider other patients and keep noise to a minimum by having your phone on silent and using earphones to listen to music or videos. It is worth noting that you’re not allowed to use a camera or recording equipment of any kind without the express permission from the person you are taking the image of.

Please do not bring in valuables. If you must bring valuable items with you, please hand them to your nurse or midwife on arrival and they will give you a receipt for them.

Alcohol or cigarettes/e-cigs are not permitted on site at any time.

In order for us to prescribe your medication whilst you are in hospital, we need to know what medicine (including herbal remedies and supplements) you normally take. Please either follow the instructions within your admission letter relating to medicines or bring all those that you are taking in their original containers.

Your medicine will be stored and utilised as appropriate. This allows you to continue to take the medicines you are familiar with. If you are required to take further medicines whilst in hospital, these will be sent to the ward with appropriate instructions. On discharge, you will be provided with a supply of medicines as part of the Trust's Discharge Planning Policy.

When you arrive on the ward, you will be welcomed and shown to your bed. Please note that single rooms are limited and are often allocated based on clinical need.

Patients who are admitted to any of our hospitals will only share the room where they sleep with members of the same sex, and same sex toilets and bathrooms will be close to their bed area. Sharing with members of the opposite sex will only happen by exception based on clinical need, for example, where patients need specialist equipment such as in Intensive Care or when patients choose to share.

A named, qualified nurse will co-ordinate your nursing care throughout your stay. The nursing and medical staff will talk to you about your procedure and any individual needs. You will be asked for any relevant personal information, including contact details in case of an emergency.

You will be required to wear an identity bracelet at all times. Equally, all staff wear ID badges.

There is a bedside cabinet for your day to day needs and personal belongings.

We may need to transfer you to another part of the ward or to a different ward at some stage during your stay - particularly if you were admitted as an emergency. If this is necessary, the reasons for doing so will be explained.

Free WiFi is available throughout our hospitals.


Whilst in our hospitals, you’ll be under the overall care of a Consultant who, along with a team of doctors with different levels of experience, will look after you. 

If you know who your consultant is, you can find out more about them in their profile. Search the A-Z of our consultants here


A team of qualified nurses will look after you, supervised by a Ward Manager. Nurses work in shifts, covering the ward 24 hours a day. As part of the handover between shifts, nurses discuss each patient and how they are doing.


Matrons cover several wards and part of their role is to ensure patient care and treatment is the best it can be. Please ask to see the matron if there is anything you’d like to discuss about any aspect of your care.

Students / trainees

Our Trust participates in the training of medical students, nursing and midwifery students and Allied Health Professional students. These trainees may be involved in your care and treatment - always under supervision. If you do not wish any trainees to be involved in your care and treatment, please inform any member of staff.

Other staff

Whilst with us, you will probably meet other staff, such as physiotherapists, radiographers, occupational therapists, porters, catering staff, domestic staff and ward clerks.

These staff wear different uniforms but will be they’ll be happy to explain who they are and what their role is in your care - just ask!

Our staff will talk to you in full about your treatment before it starts. If it involves an operation or other procedure, you will be asked to sign a consent form. Before you do this, please make sure you fully understand what is being said. If you’re not sure, the team can repeat the information and you can ask any questions you may have.

You can withdraw your consent at any time - even after signing the consent form.

We want your experience with us to be as good as it can be. We aim to provide you with high quality care and treatment that is safe, effective and respects your privacy and dignity.

Patients who are admitted to any of our hospitals will only share the room where they sleep with members of the same sex, and same sex toilets and bathrooms will be close to their bed area. Sharing with members of the opposite sex will only happen by exception based on clinical need, for example, where patients need specialist equipment such as in Intensive Care or when patients choose to share.

We also ask our patients and visitors to respect the privacy and dignity of others. If you have any concerns, please let us know.

We know that your loved ones will want to visit you whilst you’re in hospital and are happy to welcome them during the specified visiting times. It’s not usually possible to visit outside of these hours unless nursing staff agree, so please ask.

We like to limit visitor numbers to two at a time, and check with staff about children. It’s normally fine for them to visit, too, but they must be properly supervised.

If you ever feel a bit overwhelmed by visitors, which can happen, please let a nurse know.

If your loved one has a cold, cough, stomach upset or any other infectious, please ask them not to visit until they have been symptom free for 48 hours because of the risk of infecting other people.

As a Trust, we are committed to providing clean, safe care and ensuring the safety of patients, visitors and staff is our priority.

All of our staff are trained in the importance of, and need for, hand hygiene. If you feel that hand hygiene has been neglected, please challenge the staff involved - they will not take offence. If you feel uncomfortable doing this, please raise it with another member of staff or the Ward Manager.

Our patients and visitors can help in stopping the spread of infection by taking some simple steps:

  • Do not visit the hospitals if you have had symptoms of diarrhoea and/or vomiting in the last 48 hours
  • Clean hands on entry to, and exit from, clinical areas using soap and water or hand gel at the stations provided
  • Cough / sneeze into your elbow, not your hand
  • Do not sit on patient beds - please use the chairs provided
  • Do not bring in plants or flowers
  • Where possible, do not visit with children, especially babies, as they are more vulnerable to germs and infections

As a teaching hospital Trust, research is vital to the development of a better healthcare for our patients, as well as the development of our next generation doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals.

We are highly active in clinical research with ongoing collaborative research studies working alongside local universities and running in-house research projects, and a number of commercial clinical trials.

While you’re being treated at one of our hospitals, a nurse or doctor might ask you about taking part in a research study. A study information sheet will be given and you will have time to think and ask questions if you wish. If you choose not to take part this will not affect your care with us. If you decide to take part, but change your mind, you can leave the study at any time.

For more information, visit our clinical research section

Soon after you come into hospital, the staff caring for you will help you to plan for your discharge - this includes an expected date of discharge to enable you to make arrangements.

Our aim is that you leave hospital as soon as you are clinically well enough. This is so that you can continue your recovery in the best place for you and we can provide NHS beds for people who most need them.

During your time in hospital, we will discuss any help you might need once you get home. If you aren’t able to return home for clinical reasons, we will discuss your options with you.

Please consider your discharge travel arrangements after your hospital stay. This may be collection by relatives, friends or neighbours, or alternatively a taxi or public transport. The North West Ambulance Service provides the Patient Transport Service for patients who meet the eligibility criteria. 

Once you are at home, you will have the support you need as agreed during discharge. If you have any problems or questions, you should contact your GP or social care team.

General Office

The General Offices at each of our main hospitals are able to process the reimbursement of travel costs on presentation of proof of income related benefit and your appointment letter/card. They can also help with charity donations and general travel advice.

Get more information about claiming travel costs, including documents and advice line numbers.

Alternative versions of leaflets or information

If you need any booklets or information leaflets you are given during your stay in large print, braille, audio format or in another language, please ask a member of staff.

Interpreting services

If you need an interpreter to help you talk to doctors and nurses, ask a relative or friend to tell the nurses as soon as possible and we will do our best to provide an interpreter service.

Spiritual, religious and cultural needs

We do our best to respect your spiritual, religious and cultural beliefs. Our Chaplaincy Team is here to help meet the spiritual and religious needs of patients, their relatives and staff at the Trust. This can be done through direct contact with members of the Chaplaincy Team or by being put in contact with someone, outside of the hospital, who can help meet a spiritual or religious need. This may be a local church leader, or an imam or other faith group leader, or a philosophical belief group.

The hospital chapels are open to all at each of our hospitals and staff can let you know exactly how to find them. If you’re at Furness General Hospital and would rather not use the main chapel, we have a prayer room available.