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Baby units receive donation from antiques society

3 December 2018

The Special Care Baby units at Furness General Hospital (FGH) and the Royal Lancaster Infirmary (RLI) have received a generous donation.

Cartmel Antiques Society presented a cheque for £250 as the grandson of one of the society’s members was a patient on both units earlier this year. The family said he had received amazing care on the units.

Andrea Dalton, Ward Manager of the Special Care Baby Unit at FGH, said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive such a generous donation. It really means a lot to both units.”

The funds were presented to Bay Hospitals Charity, a registered charity which raises money to help improve patient care and the hospital experience at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust.

Every day incredible things happen across the Trust’s hospitals but this is not without cost. By donating to Bay Hospitals Charity everyone can help fund the latest equipment and help make local hospitals more comfortable.

Donations such as the one from Cartmel Antiques Society help to ensure that patients get the best possible care and treatment.