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Bullying and Harassment Joint Working Party Update

15 January 2019

Bullying, harassment and incivility at work impact on the experience of colleagues, the experience of patients and the quality of care we provide.

If we are to truly become a Great Place to be Cared For; Great Place to Work for every individual, we must address unacceptable behaviour and create an organisation where people can be happy at work.  At our Creating Positive Cultures Conference on 16 November, colleagues heard from expert speakers in the field of bullying, harassment and incivility. For people who were not there on the day, films are available to watch on the below links:

Behaviour Matters @UHMBT 

Bullying and Harassment

Creating a just and learning culture

Bullying and harassment working party

Civility Saves Lives

During the day, colleagues shared their own experiences of bullying, harassment and incivility and got involved in developing ideas for creating a truly great place to work for everyone at UHMBT. The Trust wide Bullying and Harassment Joint Working Party has been refreshed, with new membership ensuring care group, professional groups and inclusion networks are represented.