Changes to our bed configuration at FGH and WGH to start in the coming weeks

Posted on: 31 January 2025

  • Furness General Hospital
  • Westmorland General Hospital

At the beginning of January 2025, we shared the revised plans for changes to our bed configuration at FGH and WGH, which had been changed following feedback from colleagues, patients, stakeholders and the public. At that time, we gave colleagues a short period of time to review the revised plans and share any further feedback to make sure we had heard correctly and that the changes addressed the concerns raised. 

There was some feedback received during this time, but no new issues were raised. Therefore, the next step of the process was to submit our revised plans to the Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board (ICB) and NHS England, and this was completed in early January. 

At the end of last week, we received formal notification that the ICB and NHS England have considered the plans and are happy to support us moving forward with the changes as planned. They supported our approach to implement these changes which have been based on listening to and engaging with our colleagues and wider stakeholders and addressing any issues which were raised. Therefore, it has been confirmed that these changes do not meet the threshold to require public consultation. 

The local Health Adult Scrutiny Committee, MPs and key stakeholders have also been notified of this outcome.  

Now we have received that confirmation, we are able to put the plans into action. The proposed timings have been reviewed with our Care Groups and clinical and operational teams; and the final plans for each area have been agreed as below: 


  • Ward to be used for dedicated assessment area for Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) and Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU) 

  • Gynaecology SDEC to operate between 8am - 8pm 

  • Pregnancy related Gynaecology overnight inpatients to remain on Ward 1 

  • Non-pregnancy related Gynaecology overnight inpatients moved to ringfenced beds on Ward 5  

  • Surgical Emergency Ambulatory Care (SEAC) for dressed patients to be within ward footprint but with separate entrance 

  • Removal of remaining overnight beds 

  • A comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to support the Gynaecology model of care and pathways will be produced 


A phased approach to the changes will take place as below: 

  • Closure of first 5 beds: 3-10 February 2025 

  • Closure of next 5 beds: 10-17 February 2025 

  • Closure of final 5 beds: 17-24 February 2025 

  • Reconfiguration of ward: 24-27 February 2025 


All changes to be in place by 27 February 2025. 




  • Increase bed base by 6 beds to a total of 24 beds 

  • SEAC to move to Ward 1 

  • Non-sensitive gynaecology patients who require admission will be placed in one of two ringfenced beds (including one side room) following a risk assessment to ensure they will be placed in a suitable environment based on clinical need 


Changes in place from 27 February 2025 (following change to Ward 1). 



  • Re-purposed from surgery to medicine as a medical ward 

  • Ability to surge to 34 beds if required 



Changes in place from 27 February 2025 (following change to Ward 1). 



  • Launch of Wellness Centre model - an integrated health, social and voluntary sector approach to supporting citizens to ‘live well’. It will identify those at high risk of readmission and intervene early to reduce the risk of future readmissions 

  • Phase 1: reduce to 8 beds from 20 

  • Phase 2: close remaining 8 beds 



A phased approach to the changes will take place as below: 

    • Wellness Model implemented in shadow form (alongside current Abbey View model) subject to clinical lead appointment - 24 February 2025 

    • Ward temporarily closed to admissions - 24 February 2025 

    • Phase 1: bed base reset to 8 beds - 1 April 2025 

    • Phase 2: close remaining 8 beds - August 2025 (exact dates TBC - following further review) 



  • Close ward - 16 rehabilitation beds (currently no patients on the ward)  


Ward to formally close on Friday 31 January 2025. 


Impact on colleagues 

We are committed to supporting our skilled and passionate workforce - they are what makes us special, and we are fully committed to ensuring the colleagues affected have an equal chance to secure suitable roles. We recognise the changes will involve some colleagues working differently and we will support them by holding relevant vacancies and will work with individuals to help them with any bespoke issues they are facing. Affected colleagues have all shared their preferences of where they would like to work, and we will now work with them directly to allocate them to a suitable role within the new configuration.  

The exception to this is the colleagues on Ward 6 at WGH who have already agreed suitable redeployment opportunities within other services at WGH and continue to be supported in their new roles. 

Potential changes at the RLI 

As we previously discussed with colleagues, we need to see a sustained reduction in NMC2R patients before we will be able to plan potential changes at the RLI. We are still not at that place but as soon as we are able to do this, we will come and talk to colleagues face to face. 

And finally… 

We understand that this process has been difficult for a lot of colleagues, patients and members of our communities. Whilst we believe that the changes really will improve the services we offer to patients and the working lives of our colleagues, we do acknowledge that there are elements of the process that could have been delivered better.  

As we have said numerous times over the last year, there is more change ahead of us - that is inevitable. It’s important that we can learn from this process, and you have our commitment that we will take all the feedback we have received and have that in mind moving forward so we can keep an open and honest dialogue going with colleagues across the Trust. 

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their honesty and dedication throughout the last few months as we’ve navigated this. The conversations have been difficult at times but even though these changes will impact on colleagues, what we heard loud and clear was concerns for patient care and experience, not issues about where and how colleagues may have to work. That is testament to the clear focus and passion that our teams have for their patients; and for that, we are truly grateful.  

Aaron Cummins, Chief Executive  ​​
Chris Adcock, Chief Financial Officer and Deputy Chief Executive 
Miss Jane McNicholas, Chief Medical Officer 
Tabetha Darmon, Chief Nursing Officer 
Scott McLean, Chief Operating Officer ​​​​​​​
Ali Balson, Chief People Officer ​​​​​​​
Sarah Hauxwell, Interim Director of Governance and Assurance