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Hospital contact numbers

Poem by Natalie Hogg

30 April 2020

Natalie Hogg CSW Poems Story.jpgOur Ward

By Natalie Hogg/Beckman, Clinical Support Worker, Ward 7, Furness General Hospital

Thirteen hours or maybe more,

Time doesn’t matter on Ward 7's floor!

Mask on mask off, it never ends.

Washing our burning hands again and again!

Fighting against an unknown virus,

Trying to beat this our very hardest!

Tired, drained and mentally struggling!

The unknown of what tomorrow will bring.

The un-noticeable heroes in goggles and masks,

Battling on day-to-day with every task!

No time with our loved ones as we look after others,

Doing everything we can to get them home

To their partners, children, sisters and brothers.

Everyone helping in this battle is truly amazing!

All front-line workers especially carers, doctors and nurses!

So let's do our best and not spread this virus.

Let's all work together to beat this and please stand beside us.