UHMBT featured in list of top 20 best hospitals in England

Posted on: 29 January 2025

  • Hospital services
  • Delivering outstanding care and experience

UHMBT is in the top 20 of the best hospitals in England according to a new ‘NHS Tracker’ developed by The Telegraph newspaper.

The Telegraph’s NHS Tracker features the ‘best and worst’ acute hospitals in the country and UHMBT has been ranked at number 19 out of 118 hospital trusts.

Rankings are based on each trust's overall performance against key duties of care to its patients. This is similar to tables that The Mail and The Mirror newspapers have set up.

To rank the trusts, The Telegraph has used three key metrics – patients waiting more than 18 weeks for hospital treatment, A&E patients waiting more than four hours to be seen and cancer patients waiting more than 31 days to start treatment. The paper looks at an average of the rankings to produce an average, which forms the basis for the ‘best and worst’ trusts.

UHMBT’s scores were 27 for A&E waiting times, 65 for cancer waiting times and 9 for appointment waiting times, with an average of 34.

All the data featured in The Telegraph’s NHS Tracker is sourced from NHS England and NHS Digital. Mental health and specialist trusts are not included. The data is fully updated approximately monthly. Trusts are shown to be improving if their average targets from the latest three months are better than the comparable three months in the year before.

A paid subscription for The Telegraph is needed to view the NHS Tracker. If you have a paid for subscription, you can view The Telegraph’s NHS Tracker on this link.