List of news
6 May 2020
NHS maternity staff across Lancashire and South Cumbria are looking to reassure expectant and new parents that maternity services are open, they can continue to attend their appointments and services are personal and safe, so they continue to come forward for routine checks and urgent advice.
6 May 2020
Staff at the Trust who are self-isolating or living away from their families, enabling them to deliver care in response to COVID-19 are being provided with a pack of essential items thanks to the support of local businesses.
5 May 2020
5 May 2020
Midwives and maternity colleagues across University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundations Trust (UHMBT) are celebrating International Day of the Midwife (IDM).
5 May 2020
Due to the ongoing risks associated with coronavirus COVID-19, visiting at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) will remain temporarily suspended.
4 May 2020
Seven NHS trusts in London have adopted modules from the Analytical Command Centre at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT).
3 May 2020
A regional campaign to tackle loneliness amongst care home residents amid the
Coronavirus outbreak is being launched. -
3 May 2020
Unfortunately, scammers are taking advantage of the spread of Coronavirus to exploit and play on the fears of consumers across the country.
3 May 2020
NHS England is urging people to attend all regular vaccination appointments to prevent outbreaks of serious diseases and reduce pressure on the health service.
2 May 2020
Two leading British businessmen have chosen to ‘Salute the NHS’ and provide staff at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) with nourishing and high quality food during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.