List of news
8 December 2020
A pioneering service for people with chronic forms of lung disease is being offered by University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) and NHS partners in Preston and Blackburn.
4 December 2020
A doctor who works for University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust has been honoured as ‘Doctor of the Year’ in the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (BAPIO) Awards 2020.
3 December 2020
A Christmas Charity Auction with a wealth of fantastic lots will be launched by Bay Hospitals Charity on Friday 4 December.
3 December 2020
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) has been awarded first place in the top 50 of the UK’s most inclusive employers, being recognised as the most inclusive employer out of the 110 member companies.
1 December 2020
Back in March, as lockdown hit the UK, our Chief Executive Aaron Cummins sent a clear message to staff: if you can work from home, do work from home. As a non-clinical member of staff, I've done my part during the pandemic by staying away from the hospital.
30 November 2020
With services reopening and more people returning to UHMBT sites, our car parks are becoming very busy so we’ve taken the difficult decision to reinstate car parking charges for patients and visitors.
25 November 2020
Birth services at Helme Chase Maternity Unit, Westmorland General Hospital, have been reinstated following a temporary suspension due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
25 November 2020
Health and care organisations are asking people across Lancashire and South Cumbria to make a real difference in our community and support health and care services this winter by helping to look out for your friends, neighbours, loved ones and those who are most vulnerable and at risk from flu and Covid-19. Let’s do it for Lancashire and South Cumbria.
23 November 2020
A two-year project aimed at providing extra training for health care professionals who support cancer patients across Lancashire and South Cumbria is being made permanent.
23 November 2020
Families who have been affected by baby loss are invited to join University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) for their annual service of remembrance.