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Weekly News 16 November 2021

16 November 2021

This week’s edition includes lots of news and updates from across the Trust. 


Moving forward, making changes together

To help us understand what we need to do to create a culture where we can all thrive, I am excited to invite you to join our colleague conversation. Look out for an email this Thursday 18 November, when this conversation launches, which will contain your unique login details.

This online conversation will be open 24/7 for 3 weeks. It will be hosted independently by our external partner Clever Together, so you can contribute openly and honestly in a safe space.


One week left to fill in Staff Survey and be entered into a prize draw!

We each have a voice that counts, and the NHS Staff Survey, which is run every year in partnership with trade unions, is one of the best ways for you to have your voice heard about your job, your organisation and the NHS. 


Self Care Week reminds us to practise self care for life

Incorporating the practise of self care into our everyday lives can help us to live as healthily as possible. And better health for us can help us cope better with the challenges that come our way.

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