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Hospital contact numbers

Transition (moving from childrens to adult services)

UHMBT want to support young people as they move from childrens services to adult services.

If your child has a long-term condition and they are 14 years or older, please encourage them to ask their nurse, therapist or doctor about planning for future health care. 

Transition planning is the period of time you, your child and health professionals can plan together what health care may be needed for the future. 

Parents and young people report feeling concerned about managing the transfer to adult health services if the young person has a long-term condition or complex health need. 

Young people and parents/carers have lots of questions that their health professional can help with, including:

  • When should I take responsibility for my own health?
  • What is a "Best Interest Decision" or "Mental Capacity Act"? 
  • Can I still stay on the children's ward?
  • Who can stay with me on an adult ward?
  • Why do I need an annual review with a GP?
  • Why do I need a Hospital Passport?