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Trust Board meeting agenda: 3 July 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024 in the Board Room, Westmorland General Hospital, Burton Road, Kendal LA9 7RG

Please note the meeting will also take place via Microsoft Teams

Commencing at 9am


21 Welcome and Introductions

22 Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on 1 May 2024

23 Action Sheet and Matters arising from the Minutes of the Public Meeting

24 Patient Story

25 Chair’s Report

26 Chief Executive’s Report

27 Head Governor Report

28 Continuous Quality Improvement Strategy Update

29 Maternity and Neonatal Update Assurance Report

30i Integrated Performance Dashboard and Report Month 1 incorporating matters raised by the Executive Team and through the Assurance Committees.

30ii Minutes and 3A Reports from Assurance Committees
a) Audit Committee 3A Report from the Meetings on 16 May 2024 and 26 June 2024 NHS England Submission of Annual Self Declaration A report to note submission of the Trust’s annual self-declaration. The Audit Committee, subject to the amendments suggested, recommended approval of the NHS England submission of annual selfdeclaration. The Audit Committee authorised the Chief Executive and the Chair to sign the statements on behalf of the Board and submit them to NHS England.

b) People Committee Minutes from Meetings on 25 March 2024 and 22 April 2024 and the 3A Report from the Meeting on 24 June 2024

c) Finance and Performance Committee Minutes and 3A Report from Meetings on 18 March 2024 and 20 May 2024 and an Update from the Meeting on 27 June 2024

LSC Surgical Hub Business Case
A report to set out the investment required to embed extended theatre sessions in all of Lancashire and South Cumbria’s existing Surgical Hubs and the associated benefits this will deliver. The Finance and Performance Committee recommended approval of option 4 within the business case.

d) Quality Committee Minutes from Meetings on 22 April 2024 and 20 May 2024 and the 3A Report from the Meetings on 20 May 2024 and 24 June 2024

Provision of Paediatric Audiology Services at UHMBT
A report to provide an initial position within UHMBT on the quality and safety of paediatric audiology services in response to the national programme for improvement in paediatric audiology services. The Care Quality Commission recommended this report was considered by the Board of Directors. The Quality Committee was assured no harms had been identified within the Trust’s paediatric audiology services. A further assurance report would be presented to the Committee in six months’ time. The 3A Reports are included as appendices to the Integrated Performance Report.

30iii Transformation and Improvement Board

31 Draft Capital Programme 2024/25

32 Cash Update and Revenue Support Submission

33 Too Hot To Handle Report (Racism in the NHS)

34 Bi-annual Staffing Report

35 Provider Collaboration Update

36 Quality Governance and Accountability Framework Update

37 Board Assurance Framework 2024/25

38 Chief Medical Officer Update

39 Review of the Trust Constitution

40 Committee Terms of Reference and Schedules of Business 2024/25

41 Policy and Publications Report

42 i. Mortuary Security Assurance
ii. Freedom to Speak Up Annual Report 2023/24
iii. Infection Prevention and Control Annual Report 2023/24
iv. Board Effectiveness Review and Assurance Committee Annual Reports 2023/24

43 Attendance Monitoring Register

44 Schedule of Business

45 Urgent Business

46 Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting: Wednesday 4 September 2024 at 10am in the Board Room, Westmorland General Hospital, Kendal LA9 7RG and also via Microsoft Teams.