The Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) will be held on Tuesday 19 September from 1pm to 4pm at the Coro in Ulverston and all are welcome to attend.
The event will include a ‘marketplace’ with stalls run by hospital teams and local third sector organisations offering information and advice.
Everyone will have the opportunity to hear about the Trust’s progress and achievements over the past year. There will also be opportunities to ask questions of the Chief Executive, Trust Chair and Lead Governor. Please see the email address below to submit questions in advance of the event.
During the meeting, the Trust will present highlights and achievements from the past year as well as discussing some of the next steps and developments planned for the year ahead.
Managers from the Trust will endeavour to answer as many questions as possible during the meeting. However, if this isn’t possible, the Trust will provide a response within the minutes of the meeting.
There will be presentations on the Annual Report, the Trust’s Annual Accounts, the external auditor’s report and the work of the Council of Governors.
Aaron Cummins, Chief Executive of UHMBT, said: “Everyone is very welcome to join the meeting and there will be opportunities to ask questions of our Board.
“In many ways the last year has been a time of incredibly positive change as the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic has gradually loosened and our focus has shifted towards improving and sustaining excellent services for the benefit of our patients and wider communities.
“As individuals, in our hospital and community teams, and with our partner organisations, we have continued to put patients first and take forward intensive improvement programmes to make our services sustainable now and into the future. This is a real testament to the commitment and dedication shown by everyone.
“We are hugely grateful to our wonderful colleagues and partners who have worked tirelessly to provide great care, despite the ongoing pressures on the health and care system. There is still much work to do, but the past year has demonstrated everyone’s sheer determination to continually improve and provide the best possible care and services.”
Professor Mike Thomas, Chair of UHMBT said: “In the last year we launched our new Trust Strategy, ‘Patients First’, along with our ‘Vision, Values and Areas of Focus’. The strategy has set our direction of travel up until 2027 and is clinically led and quality and safety driven.
“We continued to work productively with our health and care partners to achieve and sustain our improvements, and to find new ways of collaborating with neighbouring NHS Trusts and other healthcare organisations. I look forward to answering any questions from local people and organisations in the AMM and am keen to receive any feedback and suggestions regarding our Trust’s services.”
Lorraine Crossley-Close, Head Governor, said: “The AMM is always a highlight of the UHMBT calendar as we take the time to recognise and celebrate the excellent work that our colleagues and partners have done over the past year.
“It’s also a chance for Governors to meet with our members and local communities directly and get valuable feedback which is crucial for improving our services.”
Shirley-Anne Wilson, Deputy Head Governor, said: “Everyone is extremely welcome to attend the meeting, and we encourage you to share the details with anyone you think would be interested.
“We are very much looking forward to welcoming you once again in person and thank you for your continued support.”
Suzie Hayman, Public Governor, said: “Come and find out what is offered. We are keen to hear and act upon complaints and compliments - find out more about becoming a governor yourself, to be able to have even more of a voice.”
To ask a question during the AMM, please email the UHMBT Company Secretary at:
If you would like to find out more about becoming a Trust Member, please contact the UHMBT Membership Office on 01229 404473 or email
The venue for the AMM is The Coro, County Square, Ulverston, LA12 7LZ.