List of news
7 April 2020
People in Lancashire and South Cumbria have been urged to attend vitally important cancer appointments if asked to by their GP.
7 April 2020
It’s been just over a week since Cumbria County Council and partners launched an Emergency Support Helpline for vulnerable or isolated people needing urgent help.
7 April 2020
The Surgical Emergency Ambulatory Care (SEAC) unit the Royal Lancaster Infirmary has moved to Westmorland General Hospital (WGH) to help University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
6 April 2020
If you are expecting a baby or looking after a young child, you may be feeling particularly worried and anxious at the moment.
6 April 2020
As visiting at our hospitals is currently suspended, we want to do everything we can to keep our patients connected with their loved ones.
3 April 2020
Aaron Cummins, Chief Executive, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust said: "We can confirm that, sadly, a further 11 patients have died who tested positive for COVID19 while being treated at hospitals in the Trust."
3 April 2020
The Children’s Ward at Royal Lancaster Infirmary (RLI) will temporarily move from Ward 32 in the Centenary Building to Ward 16 on the first floor of the Women’s Unit to help manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
3 April 2020
Health leaders in Cumbria are urging the public to stay at home this weekend to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
3 April 2020
Hubs have been set up in each district of Lancashire to help support the people who need it most during the Covid-19 outbreak.
2 April 2020
Adam Corcoran-Birtles, of Caton, near Lancaster, volunteered his time to Fit test around 50 frontline staff at Furness General Hospital (FGH) with Filtering Facepieces (FFP3) disposable masks, which are highly effective at preventing infections when they are fitted correctly.