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Non-site specific Cancer pathway

The Non-Site Specific (NSS) Cancer pathway – Symptoms of Concern service was developed for patients whose symptoms indicate they do not fit a currently established cancer pathway. This pathway aims to stop the delays in diagnosis, higher rates of late stage or emergency admission and poorer outcomes for the patient that presents with vague symptoms.

Patients who are referred to the NSS service may have reported symptoms that may be concerning to their GP. These symptoms can be unexplained weight loss, tiredness and a loss of appetite.

Whilst this does not mean that you have cancer, the symptoms and history you have reported to your GP are suspicious enough to warrant “fast tracking”

What we do

Fast tracking will involve an initial telephone call from the Clinical Nurse Specialist. You may then be booked a CT scan.

Prior to this referral your GP will undertake a physical examination of your chest, abdomen, skin, lymph nodes and breasts if appropriate. You will also have blood tests, urine dip, stool sampling and a chest x-ray if appropriate.

Please be aware the testing process may take some time, so be prepared to be at the hospital all day. Once we have all your results back a careful review of your case will take place within our team and you will be contacted or offered an appointment to discuss the results.

Depending on the results, you will either be referred back to your GP with recommendations or your care will be passed on to another clinical team within the hospital.

We will provide you with all the results of these assessments and tests so you can discuss them with your GP and family. We will work closely with your GP to ensure your care is managed together with your other individual medical and support needs.


The Macmillan website explains more about the different types of treatments offered. You can also find out more about the different types of treatment by visiting the NHS website. 

Treatments can include:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Hormone treatment
  • Targeted therapy

  • Consultants
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Patient Navigator

Patient navigator - 01539 715916