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Hospital contact numbers

When you find out you're pregnant

As soon as you suspect or know you are pregnant we recommend you make an appointment with one of our midwives as soon as possible. This ensures that you get all of the correct information and support, and allows our midwives to help you plan your pregnancy and meet your individual needs.

Seeing a midwife at an early stage will ensure you are given all the information that you need right from the start to help you make the right choices for you and your baby. There are some routine screening tests that need to be carried out by the tenth week of pregnancy, so an early appointment with a midwife will enable you to discuss these tests and plan appropriately.

An ultrasound scan will be arranged which is usually performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy. This gives the midwife a predicted delivery date for your baby’s birth and gives you the opportunity to take home your very first picture of your baby in the womb.

You can book to see a midwife via your GP, be referred by a social worker or the support agency you are working with, or by contacting the community midwifery team directly.

You don’t need to see a GP before seeing a midwife unless you specifically want to. Our midwives can inform your GP of your pregnancy, and update them on your care and progress.