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Hospital contact numbers

Our Staff Networks

BAME Staff Network 

Our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic network brings together colleagues and allies from all levels of the organisation in support and celebration of each other, and all of our different cultures. Allies are very welcome, and we just ask that all colleagues who wish to take part do so with respect, compassion and kindness. We are always very keen to hear new members' thoughts, experiences and ideas.  

We are here to support one another and keep each other safe - please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need us on bame.network@mbht.nhs.uk or by contacting our BAME Speak Up Guardian Amit Kochhar in confidence on amit.kochhar@mbht.nhs.uk

Disability Staff Network 

Our disability staff network is open to all UHMBT employees, volunteers and students with a disability, long term health condition or allies who want to help provide support and make change for others. The network aims to make sure that our Trust is a safe and inclusive environment for people with different abilities, and to encourage everyone to understand the needs of different individuals. 

Contact: disability.network@mbht.nhs.uk 

Women Leaders Network

Our network is open to all women and gender diverse colleagues at UHMBT. Whatever your role, whether you are an aspiring, new or established leader, this is a network for you. We also welcome the support of allies with a shared commitment to gender equality.

Contact women.leaders@mbht.nhs.uk to join or find out more, follow @uhmbt_women on Twitter, and please share widely with your teams and colleagues to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to take part.

Contact: women.leaders@mbht.nhs.uk

LGBT+ Staff Network 

The LGBT staff network aims to maintain a supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender colleagues, and make sure that all colleagues understand the needs of LGBT+ individuals. The group also make sure that policies and decisions made across the Trust consider the LGBT+ community, and provide confidential support and advice to all, not just those who may identify as LGBT+. Further information is available on the Trust Intranet page on SharePoint. You will be able to access this when after you start and have PC access. 

Forces Staff Network 

Having signed the Armed Forces Covenant, achieving the Employers Recognition Scheme Silver award and being a Step into Health advocate, the network provides support to the Armed Forces community. Working with colleagues and service users to ensure we understand the needs of everyone to help provide the right support and advice as well as participating in national and local events such as Armed Forces day and Remembrance Day parades. 

Contact details: 

Carers Staff Network 

The network is working together to help create a supportive and responsive environment to improve the experience for everyone with caring responsibilities. A carer is anyone, who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. 

​​​​​​​Contact details: 