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Caring for our patients

Care in the community shutterstock imageWhen a person with dementia finds that their mental abilities are declining, they often feel vulnerable and in need of reassurance and support. The people closest to them - including their carers, friends and family - need to do everything they can to help the person to retain their sense of identity and feelings of self-worth.

At UHMBT we aim to deliver care centred around the needs of the person with dementia. It’s important that we involve not only the person themselves, but their families and carers in the assessment, care planning and updates on the care we give.

Find out more about Dementia Care at UHMBT.

The Care Certificate is aimed at Health Care Assistants, Assistant Practitioners, Care Support Workers, and those in a Band 1 to 4 post, giving support to clinical roles in the NHS where there is any direct contact with patients and is designed to be used at the start of your career in healthcare. The Care Certificate forms part of your induction and training at UHMBT and the e-learning will be added to your TMS (Training Management System) account.

Care Certificates are aimed at equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to feel safe and supported at work. Ultimately, it will enable you to provide safe and compassionate patient care.

To be awarded the Care Certificate you must meet all the outcomes and assessment requirements for all 15 standards. You will be assigned an assessor to support you whilst you’re working through it.

Once completed you will receive a certificate to add to your portfolio. The Care Certificate is a national standard and can be transferred with you between different healthcare settings once completed.

A Morecambe Bay NHS colleague in white uniform and blue gloves using a patient monitoring machine​​​​​​​The transfusion department offers a service covering the processing, testing and investigation of transfusion samples and supplies blood, blood components and blood products. The Transfusion Practitioner writes policies procedures and guidelines and provides training and guidance surrounding the transfusion process.

The laboratory is manned

  • 24/7 at RLI (call extension 53761) and FGH (extension 51276)
  • Monday to Friday 8am-5pm at WGH (extension 55284)

The Transfusion Practitioner, Jill Livingstone, is available Monday to Thursday.

The transfusion process is a paper-based system and consists of four competencies:

  1. Completion of the request form.
  2. Taking the transfusion sample.
  3. Collection of blood and blood components.
  4. Administration of blood and blood components.

​​To take part in the transfusion process you must complete the required competencies on your TMS account. TMS is our training system which your manager will help set you up with an account as part of your local workplace induction when you start. ​​​​​​​The training will be aimed at those involved in blood transfusion, most likely in clinical areas.​​​​​​​

Your line manager and the Practice Educators, who support Wards/Units with their clinical training, will decide which training is appropriate for your job role.

​​​Advice, help and guidance can be obtained from the transfusion practitioner jill.livingstone@mbht.nhs.uk or from the transfusion laboratory.